Our community is a tapestry woven with stories that resonate with hope and joy. It is an honour to share these stories, enriching and inspiring all who encounter them.

Magical Moments

SUPER HERO! She doesn't wear a cape, but she is a super hero to us. We met Feddy in 2018 when she was just 15 years old. Her story absolutely broke our hearts. We are so excited to have celebrated her 20th birthday with her in 2023 (of course we had cake!). When YOU say yes, WE get to work behind the scenes loving and standing in the gap. Feddy's life is flourishing thanks to you saying YES. Special thanks to Craig’s eldest brother for travelling year in, year out to volunteer here, build gorgeous relationships and transform lives - this one in particular.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sweet, magical moments of joy when Birthdays come around. All our little heroes look forward to their birthdays. A birthday cake to share with friends, a lucky dip in the birthday bag gathering around and serenade the birthday star with a chorus of off-key yet heartfelt renditions of ‘Happy birthday’ And when the moment is captured in a photo—like the one of Gerard, grinning from ear to ear—it becomes a timeless snapshot of pure joy, destined to be cherished for years to come. So here's to birthdays, where every moment is a magical memory in the making!

BODA BODA! In Uganda, there are approximately 1 million boda bodas (motorcycle taxis), with a significant concentration in Gulu. These vehicles play a crucial role in transporting both people and goods, acting as a vital link in the local supply chain. A typical short ride from one end of town to the other costs around 1000 Ugandan shillings (about 20p), necessitating the drivers to work diligently every day to make a living.

When Amos's boda was stolen, it was a devastating blow as it took away his source of income and his ability to provide for his family, especially after working for five years to pay off the bike loan. Thanks to your support, we managed to replace his boda boda within two weeks, free from debt, allowing him to get back on the road and continue earning a living. Amazing!

A LICK OF PAINT! In our ongoing commitment to enhancing the quality of care and comfort for our community, we embarked on a small refurbishment project at the medical centre aimed at brightening up the interior space to include a fresh coat of paint to promote a clean, welcoming environment conducive to providing exceptional patient care.