Before the registration of our charity in 2018, Craig would travel each year with a group of men from the UK and build on the recommendation of the local leaders. Having built up wonderful relationships, Craig went on to head up the build of an affordable medical centre to benefit the community in rural Pece, (a community who otherwise would walk miles to a medical facility or wouldn’t be able to afford treatment).  This new facility serves up to 600 sick adults and children each month.

Each year since 2014 we have brought a team together from across the water and together with a local build team we have invested into the future of our community through structures. Other builds include adventure playgrounds, a church, toilet facilities and a fully functional kitchen for the local remand home. 


2023 saw the humble beginnings of planning to build a nursery school in Koc Lii - a small community to the south of Gulu. The agrarian based community is home to around 300 family households, however, the nearest nursery school is over 10km away. Because such young children are unable to walk the distance, there is little to no access to education for nursery aged students.

As you can imagine, this impacts greatly on their educational progress. Delaying their start to schooling means that children miss out on vital educational milestones, and their lives are literally put on hold until their little legs can carry them there and back each day. This, sadly, is not uncommon in Uganda, and the effects of this are being seen in some students not graduating school until they are well into their adult lives.

When we began conversations with community leaders, we found out that they were already considering starting a nursery school under the mango tree (a common and informal form of education in rural Uganda). So, we began working together with the community and their leaders in mid 2023 to find out how we could build a nursery school for their precious children.

Our first victory was in securing the land for these potential young learners. As we step into 2024, we start with the practicalities of drilling of a bore hole to provide the school and surrounding communities with fresh water, fostering a sense of unity and support among all. We have also begun clearing the land ready to break ground at the site of the new nursery school!

Constructing a school here in Uganda is a multifaceted endeavour, guided by numerous regulations and standards, offering both challenges and excitement. But, Craig is no stranger to regulations. He’s been building here since 2011 with remarkable achievements.

Our hearts are filled with determination and hope for the bright future of the children in the community. Together with the community and local leaders, we are paving the way for a brighter future, where education, and children, can flourish.

As we embrace the journey ahead, let us remember that every brick laid and every lesson taught under the roof of the nursery school will be a testament to the power of unity, education, and the unwavering spirit of hope. Will you join us to build a foundation for a better tomorrow?


In 2022 For Another Human sought to understand the pressing needs of our community health centre, and the unanimous response highlighted the requirement for a waiting area. So, we brainstormed and designed a child friendly waiting space.

The funds for this project were generously raised as part of Janine’s milestone 50th birthday celebration. The new area has been a hit with everyone, particularly Nurse Walter, who is the lifeblood of the centre, as you can see in the accompanying photo! In addition, we have spruced up the place by painting, laying new floor tiles, and rearranging the signage. This facility caters to the healthcare needs of over 600 community members each month, in addition to providing weekly treatments for the 100+ children in the Remand Home facility. We are thrilled to announce that this health centre now ranks third in the district for its services.


Your contribution to our building projects means that we can build more safe spaces, more schools and more homes for those who need it the most, people like Mama B and organisations like Christine’s House.